It's Friday World!! SMILE to everyone because
S.M.I.L.E ---> Simply Motivating Individuals to Love Everyone =))
Well, today is the last day of the week and it's already the 6th week in this semester yarr~!!! I bet everyone should be turned to a very BUSY MOOD currently =S We can notice this from our MSN, YM, Gtalk and even Skype :DD
Busy with the assignments, quiz, tests and also lab report??! Hmmmm...*Fighting*
My coming week will be a super super busy week larr weihhHHH T___T
EIGHT Things to do =( ::
1. BBT211 (Plant Kingdom) Test --- Test on 23/08/2010, Monday
2. BZT211 (Animalia) Assignment --- Submission date on 23/08/2010,
3. LSP300 Comprehension Test --- Test on 24/08/2010, Tuesday
4. LSP300 Essay --- Submission date on 24/08/2010, Tuesday
5. PGT201E Assignment --- Submission date on 25/08/2010, Wednesday
6. BZT (Animalia) Test --- Test on 25/08/2010, Wednesday
7. PPG210E Lesson Plan --- Must be done by 26/08/2010, Thursday
8. PPG210E Presentation --- Must Be well-prepared by 29/08/2010,
All the Best for me yeaaa~ Aja aja Fighting!!!